Do I succeed when I fail?

Hi guys! How are you? I hope you are doing well.

Today I’m going to talk you about SUCCESS or as the title says “Do I succeed when I fail?”
So to begin with what does it mean success? According to being successful means completing an objective or reaching a goal. Now in my perspective being successful can be appreciated from different areas like:

Exploring (Travel).
Achieve personal goals.
Doing something different from the others.

Maybe there are more areas where you can be successful, I didn’t name them because I forgot it jajajaja, well now I'm going to mention 2 different celebrities who are going to talk about how they managed to be so successful in life. So here are:

 First Learn To Fail

This is the Michael’s Jordan video; here he talks about his failures in his career as a Basketball Player, the part that most inspired me was when he said: "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."

When he said that I released that every failure that I have been experience in my life has being important to me to learn how to be better the next time, personally I don’t like failing, not because I have never fail, it is because I always think that everybody is watching me and if I fail they will make fun of me, I know that I shouldn’t think like that and now I’m getting better on that, but certainly the point of view that Michael Jordan  it made me think that he really is right, I shouldn’t give up because of what others say.

The Secret of My Success
This is an interview to Oprah Winfrey, where she talks to an audience that is from the Stanford Graduate School of Business about how her show it`s still successful, how as being herself, as in her ¨own nature ¨ has come to everything that she aspired. An important thing that she mention is ¨I work at staying awake and being awakened is just another word for spirituality ¨ when you first hear this you don`t understand what she meant, but then she stars talking about the spirituality and how people relate that with their religion and is not the same thing because spirituality is how do you take care of yourself or what do you do to keep yourself centered. What I learn about her it is that even if it sounds cliché, I learn that I have to be myself, also treat everybody as equals, because you can learn from everyone.

Well guys! That was my point of view about how failures can be helpful to reach any success in your life, I hope that you enjoyed it and that you reflected on the fact that failures are necessary because thanks to them we succeed in life.



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