Music Review: Sunset Lover

Music Review: Sunset Lover

Hi guys! How have you been?

Today I'm going to talk about one of my favorites songs that I have recently listen to and is called "Sunset Lover".

Before I start talking about my personal opinion, I will give you some facts of the song:
  • Artist: Petit Biscuit.
  • Album: Presence.
  • Release  Date: 2017
  • Record Label: Self-Released.
  • Recorded: 2014
  • Genres: Tropical House, Electronic, Dance/Electronic.
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Okay so know that you know a little bit of the song, I'm going to talk about my feelings that I have with the song. So when I first heard it for the first time, it gave me immense inner peace, like I was somewhere else but not here, if you guys ever listen to the song you will understand what I'm talking about, I completely recommend the song to you. Another thing that I didn't knew about the song is that it have lyrics but these are in french and I never noticed that because I don't speak french jajajaj.

The song talks about a men who is complete in love of this women, that he would do anything for her as long as she does not go away from him, because he can't live with out her, he also doesn't wanna look to obsessed or rude with her what he wants is to take care of her, love her as she deserves. 
My favorite lyric of the song is:

"What have we been drinking
It's time to take it to the next step
With sweet quiet kisses
From sunset lover tonight"
Resultado de imagen para sunset lover couples
So guys I hope you liked my music review focus on "Sunset Lover", I will leave you the link of the song, I swear you won't lose time listening to it. I would like to know your thoughts of the song. Well that's all, I hope you listen to the song, I'm going to leave the link here and I see you guys the next time. 



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